Creative, Customized Solutions For Adoption And Arts Clients
Are you seeking to grow your family? All families are unique and have their own unique legal needs.
Whether you are considering fostering, adoption or assisted reproduction technology such as egg or embryo donation, artificial insemination using a donor sperm or surrogacy, you need the advice of an experienced attorney.
We can help. We are the compassionate, dedicated, experienced attorneys of Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC in Ann Arbor and Petoskey.
For more than 20 years, our lawyers have provided clients from all walks of life with focused, forward-looking guidance. We bring a comprehensive, team effort tailored to your specific, unique situation in these practice areas:
Foster & Adoption
Fostering a child can be an enriching experience for both you and your foster child. It can also be difficult to navigate the relationship between you, the agency that placed the child and, in some cases, the biological family. We know how to navigate the process to ease the stress.
There are several types of adoptions. Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC works with you from the beginning to end to secure direct placement, second parent, stepparent, relative (family member) and adult adoptions. These kinds of legal support must be caring and creative — qualities for which our law firm is well-known.
ARTS (Assisted Reproductive Technology Services)
Starting a family can be a time of excitement, anticipation — and frustration. Fertility difficulties are stressful, both medically and emotionally. At Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC, we prepare you for life’s changes when legal pitfalls arise from the decision to use assisted reproduction technology. Are you preserving your own genetic material for later use? Are you receiving frozen genetic material donated by others? Do you plan to be a surrogate, work with a surrogate, or donate sperm, eggs or embryos to others? Parental rights and obligations can attach by being a genetic contributor — and also by being a receiver or carrier of such genetic material. Don’t start without knowing how the law affects you.
We work hard to remove the distraction of legal difficulties, confusing laws and regulations, so you can relax and pursue your family objectives. Whether you intend to be a legal parent or want to help a struggling couple without being considered a legal parent, you need qualified advice on how to get there. Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC excels at delivering that assistance.
Find out more about how our skilled, caring lawyers apply an effective team approach to your circumstances by contacting us for an initial consultation. Our firm understands how the law works in the real world. Call Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC today at 734-930-9200 or email us online.
Get to know us better by scheduling an initial consultation where we can discuss your needs.
Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC
2045 Hogback Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-930-9200
Fax: 734-930-9942
Petoskey Office
By Appointment only
3319 Lakeside Dr S
Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 231-427-2292
Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC
2045 Hogback Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: 734-930-9200
Fax: 734-930-9942