Advance Directive

An advance directive is a powerful tool in cases of serious injuries from an accident or a terminal illness that affect your ability to make decisions for yourself or communicate your wishes for medical care and treatment. This important legal document prepares you and your family members for potential incapacity.

At Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC, we strive to ensure that our clients are ready for incapacity in case of an accident or future illness. Contact us today for help with an advance directive in Ann Arbor and Petoskey, MI.

What Is an Advance Directive?

An advance directive is a legal document that usually includes three parts:

  • Durable healthcare power of attorney (DHPOA) (patient advocate)
  • Living will
  • Do-not-resuscitate order (DNR) or Do Not Intubate (DNI)
  • Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST or MI-POST)

While you may detail any of your wishes for life-sustaining treatments or life support in your living will, Michigan does not legally recognize living wills. Instead, your living will can guide your patient advocate on the decisions you would make for yourself if you were capable.

A DNR or DNI can guide healthcare providers on whether you wish to have specific life-saving measures taken if you stop breathing or your heart stops beating. A DNR applies in hospitals and nursing homes. You will need to use a specific form for emergency responders outside of a facility, including your home. Your physician’s office or Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC can provide that form if you need one.

What To Include in Your Advance Directive Legal Document

Because Michigan doesn’t recognize a living will, you must name a patient advocate using a durable healthcare power of attorney. Your DHPOA will be able to use your wishes as stated in a living will to ensure that they make the best possible decisions about your medical care.

In your living will, you can name specific life-sustaining treatments, procedures, and medications you wish to receive to improve your quality of life after incapacity. You may also list what you want to refuse, such as if you don’t want your life prolonged with a feeding tube or intravenous fluids.

Your living can include instructions for your patient advocate to consent to or to refuse:

  • Surgeries
  • Blood transfusions
  • CPR
  • Dialysis
  • Medications
  • Respirators
  • Intravenous fluids and nutrition
  • Hospice and palliative care
  • Psychiatric care
  • And other treatments

How To Create a DHPOA To Enact Your Advance Directive

The person you name in you durable healthcare power of attorney (DHPOA) will act as your patient advocate in the event of your incapacity. This person is legally responsible for following what they know about your wishes as closely as possible and representing your best interests when making healthcare decisions on your behalf.

An experienced estate planning attorney with our firm can help you draft and submit the appropriate documents to legally recognize your patient advocate in the event of your future incapacitation.

Prepare for Life’s Changes With Our Team at Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC

We are invested in improving the lives of Ann Arbor and Petoskey, MI, with experience for over 30 years in estate planning, trust administration, and elder law. Let us help you and your family members prepare for life’s changes with advance directive planning.

Trust us at Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC, to help you and your family prepare for future incapacity. Call us today at 734-930-9200 or contact us online for help with your advance directive documentation in Ann Arbor and Petoskey, MI.


Get to know us better by scheduling an initial consultation where we can discuss your needs.

Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC
2045 Hogback Road
​Ann Arbor, MI ​48105
Phone: 734-930-9200
Fax: 734-930-9942

Petoskey Office
By Appointment only
3319 Lakeside Dr S
Petoskey, MI 49770
Phone: 231-427-2292

Bassett Murray Law Group, PLLC
2045 Hogback Road
​Ann Arbor, MI ​48105
Phone: 734-930-9200
Fax: 734-930-9942